Dynamic Drogramming
#dynamic programming
- 1 minutes read - 126 words
Dynamic Programming
Generally used in optimization problem where you trivially do an exhaustive search of all possible solutions
What is DP
- careful brute force
- sub-problem + “reuse” : Take the problem at hand, find sub-problems, solve those sub-problems and re-use those solution to solve the actual problem
- memoize (remember solution) and “reuse” solutions of sub-problems
- computing shortest path in DAG of subproblem dependency
- define subproblems and count number of subproblems
- guess part of the solution and count number of choices
- relate subproblem solution & calculate time per sub-problem
- (recursion+memoization or iteratively-bottom-up approach)
- solve the original problem
- use parent pointers to get the answer
- Fibonacci Numbers
- Text Justification
- Longest Common sub-Sequence
- Paranthesization - matrix sequence multiplication
- Largest Divisible Subset
- Stone Smashing Problem
- Longest Common Subsequence